Wednesday, June 7, 2017

Podcast: Comprehensive Theology & Apologetics Teaching - Free!

William Lane Craig is one the foremost Christian apologists, but he also does a great job teaching about Christian theology.

In a weekly Sunday school class, called "Defenders" to his own church he has been teaching through various Christian doctrines for years. The teaching is great because he does an overview of the whole topic going back into history to review many different perspectives then giving you his perspective at the end. Therefore, you are not just left with a one-sided presentation, but a very well rounded understand of any given topic.  He has been doing this for years and I highly recommend it for anyone who is interested in a fair minded treatment of given theological topics.

He also has several excursuses in which he deals with Natural Theology or apologetics, and in this area he is world class.

If you listened through the several years of teaching, you would have several college level courses worth of information about theology and apologetics. They are broken down in 3 series, and each series is broken into topics so that you could listen straight through or just listen to a particular topical area. I highly recommend them, and they are all free!

Here are the links.

Defenders 1

Thursday, May 11, 2017

Podcast /mp3: How we got the English Bible

This is link to a great teaching on how we got the English Bible.

Dr. Daniel Wallace is a world renowed New Testament Scholar. Enjoy his teaching.

Online Videos: Can we trust the New Testament Canon?

Here is a link to a great set of videos that explain why we can trust the New Testament Canon. This is Dr. Mounce, who wrote my New Testament Greek Grammar book, interviewing Dr. Michael Kruger.