Friday, January 1, 2021

Sharing Good Content

In this section of my blog, I will be sharing some of my recommendations for the various types of content that I read and see. With the advent of the internet we have more information coming at us that we can possibly consume. Therefore, to be discriminating consumers we need to know how to find good content.

On this blog, I will be giving my reviews of books, movies, youtube channels, podcasts, and websites that I have found helpful to building up Christians.

I will preface each post with a title indicating what kind of content I am reviewing and recommending. For example, "Website: - resource for all kinds of practical apologetics."

Hopefully you will find these ideas helpful in leading more people closer to Jesus.

If you have some resources that you think are excellent, please feel free to message me your ideas.


Thursday, December 31, 2020

Recommended video and podcast channels

My reviews channel is going to be all about books, shows, links and music that I have found and like. Basically this is my personal bibliography for all the resources that I have found valuable. These are certainly not all the resources I have used, but they are the highlights of those that I would recommend for others. I will have several different review pages based on different kinds of media. I will add to each page as I find new resources.

Here are some Youtube and other Video Channels that I have found to be helpful.

Christian Teaching

  • Mike Winger I have found this man to be a great biblical teacher! Very solid teacher.
  • Ten Minute Bible Hour - Great shorter videos from a young teacher. Incidentally, his grandfather is an Evangelical Free Church pastor who is a friend of mine.
  • CS Lewis Doodle - Some great CS Lewis content with some great illustrations added!
  • Alisa Childer - Great teaching in general, but also helpful because it comes from a woman's perspective. She used to be part of the Christian singing group ZOEgirl.
  • Bible Project - Fantastic 5 minute illustrated videos that entertain, but also go deep.
  • Neil Shenvi - a deep look at some current cultural trends from a Christian perspective.
  • Mike Sechler - My channel with some teaching and some local / family content.

General Watching Channels

  • The Chosen - A well produced series about Jesus and his disciples. It tells the biblical story with some imagined background to fill in the stories about the disciples.
  • Studio C -- This is a great family-friendly comedy channel. The people who produce it are Mormons, but the content is not explicitly religious, just really funny while being watchable for everyone. Everyone from kids to adults can get into them.
  • JK Studios - This is a new channel for many of the Studio C actors.
  • Smarter Every Day - Fascinating science videos from an engineer. He is also a Christian man.
  • Dude Perfect - Fun, clean, and silly videos.
  • How Ridiculous - Lots of fun dropping things!
  • Dry Bar Comedy - Clean Comedy acts, many are very funny.
  • Jefferson Bethke -- This is a young man and woman who give great practical advice on life coming from a Christian perspective. Great channel for young people. He does a great job of producing short, but powerful videos that make you think.  
Apologetics (an area of special interest to me)
  • Reasonablefaithorg -- Dr. William Lane Craig is simply the most eminent Christian apologist in the world. He is a clear thinker and speaker, but prepare to be challenged intellectually if you listen to him. Also check out his website:
  • Capturing Christianity - This channel is for deep thinkers to go to the next level.
  • David Wood Videos - Lots of content addressing Islam and Athiesm.
  • What Do You Meme? - Channel that addresses lots of current issues. Great for young people who spend lots of time online.
  • Red Pen Logic - One of the Stand to Reason Speakers who breaks down bad arguments against Christianity.
  • Eric Bramlett -- Produces lots of content for a large church. I have used some of these illustrations in church. They might also work well for some youth gathers.

Friday, March 9, 2018

Online resources for Christian living and thinking.

My reviews channel is going to be all about books, shows, links and music that I have found and like.  Basically this is my personal bibliography for all the resources that I have found valuable. These are certainly not all the resources I have used, but they are the highlights of those that I would recommend for others. I will have several different review pages based on different kinds of media. I will add to each page as I find new resources.

Here are some webpages I find helpful. - Great apologetics and theology resource - Family and technology resources - Old earth creationist site. - Intelligent design site. - One of the best apologists in the world. - Great 5 minutes animated videos explaining the Bible. - A must-read satire site! - Jim Wallace is a former cold case detective from the LA area. He makes a very compelling case for Christianity and also has some great illustrated material for kids.  Here is his kids site - I listen to almost all of their content, and it is one of the best sites for a Christian understanding on current events. Furthermore, I have gotten links to lots of other good content from them.

Wednesday, June 7, 2017

Podcast: Comprehensive Theology & Apologetics Teaching - Free!

William Lane Craig is one the foremost Christian apologists, but he also does a great job teaching about Christian theology.

In a weekly Sunday school class, called "Defenders" to his own church he has been teaching through various Christian doctrines for years. The teaching is great because he does an overview of the whole topic going back into history to review many different perspectives then giving you his perspective at the end. Therefore, you are not just left with a one-sided presentation, but a very well rounded understand of any given topic.  He has been doing this for years and I highly recommend it for anyone who is interested in a fair minded treatment of given theological topics.

He also has several excursuses in which he deals with Natural Theology or apologetics, and in this area he is world class.

If you listened through the several years of teaching, you would have several college level courses worth of information about theology and apologetics. They are broken down in 3 series, and each series is broken into topics so that you could listen straight through or just listen to a particular topical area. I highly recommend them, and they are all free!

Here are the links.

Defenders 1

Thursday, May 11, 2017

Podcast /mp3: How we got the English Bible

This is link to a great teaching on how we got the English Bible.

Dr. Daniel Wallace is a world renowed New Testament Scholar. Enjoy his teaching.

Online Videos: Can we trust the New Testament Canon?

Here is a link to a great set of videos that explain why we can trust the New Testament Canon. This is Dr. Mounce, who wrote my New Testament Greek Grammar book, interviewing Dr. Michael Kruger.

Friday, November 13, 2015

Book Reviews

My reviews channel is going to be all about books, shows, links and music that I have found and like.  Basically this is my personal bibliography for all the resources that I have found valuable. These are certainly not all the resources I have used, but they are the highlights of those that I would recommend for others. I will have several different review pages based on different kinds of media. I will add to each page as I find new resources.

Here are my book reviews. The first number is the review I gave the book out of 5 stars. 

  • 5. Finally Free
    • Best book on pornography I have read yet.
  • 4. Innovations dirty little secret -  Larry osborne
    • As usual, lots of good practical advice.
  • 4.5 A Praying Life — Paul Miller — Leadership book
    • Excellent book on prayer. I have not applied it as I should but it has a number of very good incites.
  • 5 God Smuggler - Brother Andrew - 2014 audiobook
    • Wow. Very encouraging! We have a great God! Miracles and life change and conversions. Great book for all level Christians. Listen to with the kids!
  • 3.5 Authority by Jamie Munson - Good short treatment of the topic some good quotes.
  • 4 - Ambassadors Guide to Understanding Homosexuality by Great lay primer on the issue. 
  • 3.5 - Leadership by Driscoll — Possible Leadership book  - simple book, probably not a bad book for elders and deacons to read. Not much I disagree with. Also has a nice bibliography of other good leadership books.
  • 4 - Emotionally healthy spirituality — Peter Scazzero — Good for growing Christians 
  • 3.5- 1000 gifts by Ann Voskamp — Finished fall 2013 — excellent  Recommend for women and leadership men!!— notes 
  • 5 - Grace Disguised by Jerry Sittser Finished Fall 2013 — Excellent — Recommend for all, but particularly for 
  • 4 - Read in 2012-13 Leadership as Identity. Crawford Loritz
    • Good book recommend for all leaders
  • Emotionally Healthy church
    • Good book for already Christians

  • Tenant of Wildfell Hall — Anne Bronte
  • 4.5 The Last Sineater by Francine Rivers. Very good character development. Good plot. Points to the gospel.
  • 3 Call of the Wild - Jack London - audiobook - 2014
    • Interesting exciting - White Fang in reverse - his heroes are animal versions of Louis L'Amour heroes.
    • Thoroughly modern world view.  Clear example of classic late 19th century early 20th century modern evolutionary worldview.